Settling child custody and visitation can be more complex than it seems in some cases. When you have reservations or concerns about the other parent’s ability to care for the children, you need to address those concerns before finalizing the custody and visitation...
Child Custody
What factors affect which parent gets legal custody of a child?
A physical custody arrangement is a legal agreement between two parents that details where a child lives after a divorce. However, legal custody determines which parent has authority over the child for religious training, health care, education and other issues. A...
What are the pros and cons of nesting?
Deciding on a living situation, particularly at the beginning of a divorce procedure, is difficult. While you may need space from your ex, you will also want to give your children maximum stability. Many families choose a “nesting” situation. Nesting does not work for...
Can you involuntarily terminate parental rights in CA?
Termination of parental rights is a legal term that refers to the state legally ending a parent-child relationship. The state of California rarely terminates parental rights and, if it does, it only does so with good reason. You may wonder what constitutes good reason...
Can you make co-parenting a positive experience?
Divorcing your spouse might mean an immediate introduction to the world of co-parenting. Having to share parenting responsibilities with someone you no longer have an intimate relationship with has a unique set of challenges. Navigating the world of shared parenting...
Is joint custody right for you?
As parents going through divorce, it is important to understand that any action you take can and will affect your child. Fortunately, this means you can also take actions to make the divorce process easier for them rather than harder. This includes the type of custody...
When will a judge modify child support in California?
Child custody agreements are a common component of divorce between spouses with minor children. The court recognizes that life changes, and as a result, custody agreements often require modification. In California, you can request and receive approval for a...
Can parallel parenting work for you?
Parallel parenting has existed as an option for parents going through divorce. It provides stability to children of divorce while also allowing parents to get the distance they may need from one another in the direct aftermath of a split. What is parallel parenting...
Addressing custody order violations
Ending your marriage could raise many concerns, but if you have kids, you likely have additional legal issues to think about during divorce and even years afterward. For example, some parents struggle with the inability to spend time with their child because their...
How can you deal with stress while co-parenting?
Dealing with an ex-spouse with different ideas and opinions on how to co-parent may become harder to deal with as time goes on. Arguments can get in the way of any helpful discussions. Learning how to reduce your stress levels while talking to your co-parent is one...