California couples like you have a lot on your plate when handling divorce. This is especially true if you have high assets, as it creates more to keep track of. Unfortunately, some people may take advantage of this to try hiding assets. The higher your assets are,...
High-asset Divorce
The challenges of a grey divorce
Unlike the divorce of a younger couple who have not been married very long, a grey divorce presents a set of unique challenges. Couples who have been married 30 years or more will usually not only have significantly more assets to divide, but will also have many more...
Protecting your property in a high-asset divorce
While each divorce case in California is unique, high-asset divorce cases can be especially complicated because of the amount of assets and, potentially, debt that can be involved in these types of cases. The individuals who are going through high-asset divorce cases...
Dividing high assets under community property laws
Most Californians who are contemplating a divorce are aware that California is a community property state, but they are not certain how those laws will affect the division of their property. The effect of the community property statutes is especially important for...
Legal advice can be critical in a high-asset divorce
For California couples who are divorcing, the level of wealth they had before the marriage or accrued while they were married can be a critical point in the process. Whether the accumulation of assets was due to a business that the couple built together or one spouse...
Divorce pending for talk show host
With the number of people in California, it is inevitable that divorces will happen. Cases where people have significant assets can be contentious and have a lot at stake. When preparing to file for a high-asset divorce, both sides should have legal assistance from...
Finding hidden assets in a California divorce
The divorce laws in California are predicated on the assumption that both spouses will provide a complete and accurate financial disclosure to the other spouse. This assumption cannot always be trusted if the divorce involves a high-asset couple. Humans being humans,...
Appraising the value of a business in a California divorce
When a divorcing California couple turns to valuing their assets, one of the most difficult issues is the value of a jointly owned business. Many couples start small businesses early in their marriage and devote significant energy to making the business a success....
Using a premarital agreement to ensure marital harmony
The last few weeks and days before a wedding are usually filled with much joyous anticipation, even for persons entering a second or third marriage. California couples who are marrying for the second or third time may face an uncommon threat to their joint happiness:...
What are the benefits of collaborative divorce?
After trying to make your marriage work, you and your partner are preparing for a divorce. You feel overwhelmed, and you have barely even started the divorce process. You have done some research, and you are contemplating choosing a collaborative divorce rather than...