When you have a lot of assets, you have a lot to potentially lose in a California divorce. You may, too, have specific financial goals you wish to accomplish once you separate from your one-time spouse, but you may not know how to put your plans into action.
According to Forbes, many women navigating their way through divorces feel similarly. While most women do not think to add financial advisors to their divorce teams, the majority of them, or 61% of them, wish they had later. Only about 5% of now-divorced women say they knew working with a financial advisor during their splits was an option. Now that you know it is an option, it is important that you also understand how having one on your team might help you. Financial advisors may be able to assist you in your divorce in the following ways.
By helping you cover all your bases
It is easy to find yourself distracted when you are dealing with the emotional turmoil and other elements of a divorce. A financial advisor may be able to help you remember and consider all possible assets, including those you might otherwise forget about.
By helping you concentrate on specific areas of need
A financial advisor may also help you focus on specific areas of concern, such as making sure you have enough saved for retirement or enough to buy a new home. If you have concerns about being able to support yourself after the divorce, the advisor may also help you identify ways to generate new income streams.