When you have a lot of assets, you have a lot to potentially lose in a California divorce. You may, too, have specific financial goals you wish to accomplish once you separate from your one-time spouse, but you may not know how to put your plans into action. According...
Month: October 2020
Reconciliatory period over between singer and ex-wife
Most people in California may assume that divorce brings with it a finality (as in the end of the association between a married couple). In reality, however, that "finality" is often limited, as a divorced couple will often need to continue to work together in...
Modifying spousal support orders
After courts issue spousal support orders, circumstances may change for one or both spouses. For instance, the paying spouse may lose his or her job, or the partner receiving support may obtain gainful employment and no longer need the assistance. When situations...
4 FAQs about modifying a California child support order
During divorce, the court tries to determine a support arrangement that provides shared children with a comparable quality of life as enjoyed before parents have separated. This may include both basic health and educational costs as well as specialized needs. However,...