Negotiate A Visitation Arrangement With Our Divorce Attorneys
Family time is precious, and a divorce is bound to uproot the comfortable rhythm into which you and your children have always lived. This is especially true when one parent receives custody of the children. Protect your cherished time with your children as much as possible by pursuing visitation rights with the help of O'Brien Family Law, PC. Our Sacramento divorce attorneys work diligently to preserve the bond you have with your children.
Don’t Leave Major Decisions Up To A Judge
In most cases, visitation is determined in court, under the ruling of a judge who doesn’t know you or your story. Chances are, if you attempt to represent yourself, you are putting your children at risk of losing the maximum possible contact with one of their parents. Instead, retain the services of our intelligent and proactive divorce attorney.
Most importantly, you must know when and how to ask for visitation rights, especially when sole custody has been granted to one parent. The court will not automatically appoint these rights to you. Fight for your children with our help.
Visitation address the parent’s right to spend time with his or her children and considers:
- The wishes of the child
- The wishes and concerns of both parents
- Any history of domestic abuse
- Whether the parents are willing to get along or cooperate with one another
- Grandparents’ rights to visit with the children
- Living arrangements and proximity of each home
- School and health care requirements for the children
You want to be there for your children. Let us help you do that, through pursuing your visitation rights so that you can maximize the precious time you have with them. Request a confidential consultation with our firm by calling our Sacramento divorce lawyers at 916-468-0707.